

I had been searching for a sunflower field to frolic in since I arrived. I knew it would be tricky seeing as I didn't have a car, but I just had to find one. The other problem was that the weather this summer has been like no other year here in Italy, as all the locals had told me. The rain mixed with the constant fluctuation in temperature was affecting the sunflowers as well. In many of the fields I'd seen as the train whizzed by, the sunflowers were already drooping and lifeless. I was running out of time if I was going to find a field of flowers, (specifically sunflowers) to frolic in!

Every time I took the train somewhere I searched the landscape for fields, ready to take note of where it was and see if I could possibly get to it. Then, I mentioned this mission to Maria, and of course she knew of sunflower fields on the way to "the seaside" as she called it. We made a plan to go one day after camp, when the weather was nice. She said she thought there was only one field left with the flowers still in bloom and bright yellow. Finally, this week, the rain stopped and we set off to find the sunflowers..

We drove for about 40 minutes before the fields came to view. The first four fields, just as she had said were completely dried up. The next two were as well. We went just over a small bridge and I held my breath and crossed my fingers..

We pulled over and I felt like I might cry. Maria said her too. It was so beautiful. Bright yellow flowers all in rows, one right after another for as far as I could see. It really is quite a sight!

It was time to frolic. What I did not realize is how hard it would be to actually frolic, prancing through a field of sunflowers. They are tall, there is not much room in between them, and the bees..let me tell you about the bees. They were everywhere. And rightly so! But alas, I wasn't fond of the idea of getting stung multiple times so I made it a speedy frolic.

so graceful...

I was so happy to see the sunflowers and do a half-ass frolic! If I completed my goal of making it to Switzerland during my travels then perhaps I'd find a field of wildflowers that might be a bit easier to frolic in. So thankful to Maria for helping me complete this..we even spent an hour at the seaside in Viareggio afterwards.

It was a picture perfect afternoon.

Find a field of sunflowers? CHECK..frolic in them..half check?!