
sure ain't cafeteria food

I'm not going to lie..I love carbs more than the average person. But I had been eating so much pasta and pizza since I arrived; I felt gross. I vowed to make salad with the groceries I so gracefully purchased earlier in the week, for a few nights in a row. A few salads should balance it out, right?

To make matters worse (but also delicious) the school lunches did not help. I was told not to worry about bringing lunch to work, we would be eating with the kids everyday. At 12:30 every afternoon, a van pulls up to the front of the historic villa that is the bilingual school, and chef brings in tubs of food. Sloppy joe's? Stale sandwiches? No way. This stuff is legit. 

Day 1 was pasta, pretty much expected of a kid's lunch in Italy. Fair enough. Oh, and mashed potatoes. There's some fruit and an occasional veggie thrown in there but they hardly seemed worth mentioning. Day 2 I was curious as to what chef would bring in. It was extremely tasty zucchini risotto! And more potatoes. Surely chef couldn't keep this up. Also the salads weren't going to matter if this was lunch everyday. At least I was biking 20 minutes to and from school each way! I needed to find a place to go for a run too, because pasta and THE LIST required me to...
Ride on the way back from camp along the walls of Lucca.